Medical Terms & Acronyms
What do all those medical terms and letters mean??
You might see a lot of terminology and acronyms thrown around in conversation with medical professionals, or even just regular conversation or in support groups and stuff.
Here’s a few that might help. Thank you Peter Alexandrov from the great ‘Pilon Fractures Suck’ Facebook group who put them together!
PT - Physical Therapy
HW - Hardware - typically Stainless Steel or Titanium screws, plates, rods, etc.
HWR - Hardware Removal
ORIF - Open Reduction Internal Fixation - surgery where hardware is used to stabilize and hold bone fragments together through an incision
Sub Cutaneous - Surgery where a rod or screw is used to stabilize and hold bones together through a small skin hole (not incision)
RICE - Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
NWB - Non Weight Bearing
PWB - Partial Weight Bearing
WBAT - Weight Bearing As Tolerated
FWB - Full Weight Bearing
TAR - Total Ankle Replacement
ROM - Range of Motion
ExFix - External Fixator